
Introduction: Tammy & Walid Afifi, UC Santa Barbara PART I: UNCERTAINTY Conceptualizations of Uncertainty and Information Management Chapter 1: Generally Unseen Challenges in Uncertainty Management: An Application of Problematic Integration Theory Austin S. Babrow, Ohio University Marianne S. Matthias, Butler University Chapter 2: Reclaiming Uncertainty: The Formation of New Meanings Leslie A. Baxter, University of Iowa Dawn O. Braithwaite, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chapter 3: The Theory of Communication and Uncertainty Management: Implications from the Wider Realm of Information Behavior Timothy P. Hogan, Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Dale E. Brashers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chapter 4: Information Seeking and Interpersonal Outcomes Using the Internet Artemio Ramirez, Jr., Arizona State University Joseph B. Walther, Michigan State University Factors Impacting the Association Between Uncertainty and Information Management Chapter 5: Expanding the Role of Emotion in the Theory of Motivated Information Management Walid A. Afifi, University of California-Santa Barbara Chris R. Morse, Bryant University Chapter 6: Relational Uncertainty: Theory and Application Leanne K. Knobloch, University of Illinois Kristen L. Satterlee, University of Illinois Chapter 7: Motivated Cognition in Its Interpersonal Context: Need for Closure and Its Implications for Information Regulation and Social Interaction Mark Dechesne, The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), University of Maryland, College Park Arie W. Kruglanski, University of Maryland, College Park The Nature of Information Seeking in Specific Contexts Chapter 8: Use of the Risk Perception Attitude (RPA) Framework for Understanding Health Information Seeking: The Role of Anxiety, Risk Perception, and Efficacy Beliefs Rajiv N. Rimal, Johns Hopkins University Monique Mitchell Turner, University of Maryland Chapter 9: Managing Uncertainty in Work Interactions Michael W. Kramer, University of Missouri Chapter 10: Information Regulation in Work-Life: Applying the Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking to Organizational Networks J. David Johnson, University of Kentucky PART II: DISCLOSURE DECISIONS Chapter 11: Couples, Communication, and Uncertainty in the Face of Chronic Illness Daena J. Goldsmith, Lewis and Clark College Chapter 12: An Integrated Model of Health Disclosure Decision-Making Kathryn Greene, Rutgers University Chapter 13: Information Uncertainty and Sexual Disclosures in the Era of HIV/AIDS Serena C. Lo, George Washington University Maria Cecilia Zea, George Washington University Paul J. Poppen, George Washington University Predictors and Consequences of Withholding Information Chapter 14: Why People Conceal or Reveal Secrets: A Multiple Goals Theory Perspective John P. Caughlin, University of Illinois Anita Vangelisti, University of Texas-Austin Chapter 15: Secrecy in Close Relationships: Investigating Its Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Effects Catrin Finkenauer, VU University Amsterdam Kaska E. Kubacka, VU University Amsterdam Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Radboud University Nijmegen Peter Kerkhof, VU University Amsterdam Chapter 16: Conflict avoidance: A functional analysis Michael Roloff, Northwestern University Courtney Wright, University of Tennessee Chapter 17: The Standards for Openness Hypothesis: A Gendered Explanation for Why Avoidance is so Dissatisfying Tamara D. Afifi, University of California-Santa Barbara Andrea Joseph, University of California-Santa Barbara Challenges to Disclosure Chapter 18: Regulating the Privacy of Confidentiality: Grasping the Complexities through Communication Privacy Management Theory Sandra Petronio, IU Center for Bioethics, Indiana School of Medicine, Jennifer Reierson, North Dakota State University Chapter 19: Why Disclosing to a Confidant Can Be So Good (or Bad) for Us Anita Kelly, University of Notre Dame Diane Macready, University of Notre Dame Chapter 20: The Divorce Disclosure Model (DDM): Why Parents Disclose Negative Information about the Divorce to their Children and its Effects Tamara D. Afifi, University of California, Santa Barbara Paul Schrodt, Texas Christian University Tara McManus, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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