
Both in industry and research, the quality control of micrometric manufactured parts is based on the measurement of parameters whose traceability is sometimes difficult to guarantee. In some of these parts, the confocal microscopy shows great aptitudes to characterize a measurand qualitatively and quantitatively. The confocal microscopy allows the acquisition of 2D and 3D images that are easily manipulated. Nowadays, this equipment is manufactured by many different brands, each of them claiming a resolution probably not in accord to their real performance. The Laser Center (Technical University of Madrid) has a confocal microscope to verify the dimensions of the micro mechanizing in their own research projects. The present study pretends to confirm that the magnitudes obtained are true and reliable. To achieve this, a methodology for confocal microscope calibration is proposed, as well as an experimental phase for dimensionally valuing the equipment by 4 different standard positions, with its seven magnifications and the six objective lenses that the equipment currently has, in the x–y and z axis. From the results the uncertainty will be estimated along with an effect analysis of the different magnifications in each of the objective lenses.

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