
The commercial sex trade with babu culture is a ubiquitous business that itself stands in an embarrassing platform, especially in a predominantly Islamic country like Bangladesh. This study aims to excavate the concept of commercial sex workers and unbreakable babus, the reasons for entering sex establishment, and also the perceptions about themselves for understanding and developing a meaningful relationship. The qualitative method was predominance for its nature and subject matter where in-depth interviews were carried out at Kandapara sex establishment in Tangail, Bangladesh. This study found that socio-demographic and economic factors badly influence them to attach to sex establishment. For commercial sex workers, both voluntary and involuntary factors are responsible to enter the sex establishment, alternatively, only voluntary factors are responsible for babus. This study also found that there are multi-dimensional and diverse perceptions among commercial sex workers and unbreakable babus about their fixed sex partners. The study also addressed taking initiatives for improving their social status in society and emphasizing the further implications of the research.

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