
We propose the first unbounded functional encryption (FE) scheme for quadratic functions and its extension, in which the sizes of messages to be encrypted are not a priori bounded. Prior to our work, all FE schemes for quadratic functions are bounded, meaning that the message length is fixed at the setup. In the first scheme, encryption takes $$\{x_{i}\}_{i \in S_{c}}$$ , key generation takes $$\{c_{i,j}\}_{i,j \in S_{k}}$$ , and decryption outputs $$\sum _{i,j \in S_{k}} c_{i,j}x_{i}x_{j}$$ if and only if $$S_{k} \subseteq S_{c}$$ , where the sizes of $$S_{c}$$ and $$S_{k}$$ can be arbitrary. Our second scheme is the extension of the first scheme to partially-hiding FE that computes an arithmetic branching program on a public input and a quadratic function on a private input. Concretely, encryption takes a public input $$\textbf{u}$$ in addition to $$\{x_{i}\}_{i \in S_{c}}$$ , a secret key is associated with arithmetic branching programs $$\{f_{i,j}\}_{i,j \in S_{k}}$$ , and decryption yields $$\sum _{i,j \in S_{k}} f_{i,j}(\textbf{u})x_{i}x_{j}$$ if and only if $$S_{k} \subseteq S_{c}$$ . Both our schemes are based on pairings and secure in the simulation-based model under the standard MDDH assumption.

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