
We present the results of unbiased 22 GHz H2O water and 44 GHz class I CH3OH methanol maser surveys in the central 7x10 arcmin area of NGC 1333 and two additional mapping observations of a 22 GHz water maser in a ~3x3arcmin area of the IRAS4A region. In the 22 GHz water maser survey of NGC 1333 with sensitivity of sigma~0.3Jy, we confirmed masers toward H2O(B) in the region of HH 7-11 and IRAS4B. We also detected new water masers at ~20arcsec away in the western direction of IRAS4B or ~25arcsec away in the southern direction of IRAS4A. We could not however find young stellar objects or molecular outflows associated with them. They showed two different velocity components of ~0 and ~16 km/s, which are blue- and red-shifted relative to the adopted systemic velocity of ~7 km/s for NGC 1333. They also showed time variabilities in both intensity and velocity from multi-epoch observations and an anti-correlation between the intensities of the blue- and the red-shifted velocity components. We suggest that the unidentified powering source of these masers might be in the earliest evolutionary stage of star formation before the onset of molecular outflows. Finding this kind of water masers is only possible by an unbiased blind survey. In the 44 GHz methanol maser survey with sensitivity of sigma~0.5 Jy, we confirmed masers toward the IRAS4A2 and the eastern shock region of the IRAS2A. Both sources are also detected in 95 and 132 GHz methanol maser lines. In addition, we had new detections of methanol masers at 95 and 132 GHz toward IRAS4B. In terms of the isotropic luminosity, we detected the methanol maser sources brighter than ~5x1025 erg/s from our unbiased survey.

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