
This article researches the elections to the Congress of Deputies of 1923. Held under the government of the concentración liberal, they were the last ones with the electoral law of 1907 and a last attempt to reconstruct the Spanish turno of parties. For this, the historiography considers them demonstrative of the stagnation of the electoral behavior of the Restoration, anchored in the demobilization and falsification of the results. The new data of this article, coming from parliamentary, governmental and newspaper sources, will allow to evaluate if the competition framework of 1923 continued propitiating the aforementioned distortions. Also, if there were relevant changes capable of redefining the role of elections in Spanish Restoration. This analysis and the comparison with other contemporary elections show that those of 1923 advanced a transitional behavior, where apathy and fraud didn´t explained the voter alignments, nor the parliamentary majorities.

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