
The present work aims to analyze the approximation between Law and Literature. In order to do so, a bibliographical review on the development of the subject in an American and European context is made. This interdisciplinarity is then brought into the context of the Greek Tragedy. In Euripides's Medea, the characterization of the character is questioned as an infanticide, in addition to a brief comparison between the Criminal Codes of other Latin American countries, and in Sophocles Antigone presents the three faces of justice and the dichotomy between Natural Right and Positive Right. It is concluded that, in a way, the intensification of the studies in the area causes the jurist to reach wide and different views of the world, all stimulated by the imagination.


  • We consider the possibility of thinking about a Law

  • we will use the methodology of trialistic theory of law

  • Each dimension will be thought from three different authors

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In this research we ask: where are the bodies, in the Law? We consider the possibility of thinking about a Law than can be danced. En esta línea de análisis, el movimiento feminista denuncia el pacto patriarcal por el que se plantea una división sexual binaria de los cuerpos en la que: el cuerpo masculino se presenta como cuerpo racional y abstracto, pero se rei­ vindica con capacidad de gestar orden y discurso para legitimar su superiori­ dad y expropiar la soberanía sobre la gestación del cuerpo de las mujeres (Gago, s/f).

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