
The damage-inducible UmuD' and UmuC proteins are required for most SOS mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. Our recent assay to reconstitute this process in vitro, using a native UmuD'(2)C complex, revealed that the highly purified preparation contained DNA polymerase activity. Here we eliminate the possibility that this activity is caused by a contaminating DNA polymerase and show that it is intrinsic to UmuD'(2)C. E. coli dinB has recently been shown to have DNA polymerase activity (pol IV). We suggest that UmuD'(2)C, the fifth DNA polymerase discovered in E. coli, be designated as E. coli pol V. In the presence of RecA, beta sliding clamp, gamma clamp loading complex, and E. coli single-stranded binding protein (SSB), pol V's polymerase activity is highly "error prone" at both damaged and undamaged DNA template sites, catalyzing efficient bypass of abasic lesions that would otherwise severely inhibit replication by pol III holoenzyme complex (HE). Pol V bypasses a site-directed abasic lesion with an efficiency about 100- to 150-fold higher than pol III HE. In accordance with the "A-rule," dAMP is preferentially incorporated opposite the lesion. A pol V mutant, UmuD'(2)C104 (D101N), has no measurable lesion bypass activity. A kinetic analysis shows that addition of increasing amounts of pol III to a fixed level of pol V inhibits lesion bypass, demonstrating that both enzymes compete for free 3'-OH template-primer ends. We show, however, that despite competition for primer-3'-ends, pol V and pol III HE can nevertheless interact synergistically to stimulate synthesis downstream from a template lesion.

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