
A revised version of the Bathing Water Directive 76/160/EWG has been elaborated to include scientific progress in risk assessment of bathing-related illness. The new Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC came into force on March 24, 2006, and will have to be implemented in the federal states within two years. The new bathing water directive contains several positive innovations which will improve a protection of the bathers namely i) health related indicators, ii) uniform detection methods, iii) requirements for active bathing water management, and iv) stricter standards for coastal waters. In Germany, the 16 federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany - the Länder - are responsible for monitoring bathing waters and for implementing the new bathing water directive into national law. A common master directive is being written by a joint working-group to ensure comparable implementation in all parts of Germany. An immediate application of the new directive is not possible since the parameter "intestinal enterococci" is currently not routinely monitored. It was decided to start monitoring according to the new directive in Germany in 2008. This will allow the first classification of bathing waters according to the new directive in 2011.

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