
Preterm birth affects approximately 10% of U.S. births, with survival rates close to 95%. All health care providers, regardless of population or setting, are treating preterm birth survivors. The purpose of this manuscript is to present an umbrella review of the health outcomes of 2- to 12-year-old children who were born preterm. The current umbrella review consisted of 29 reviews, 14 meta-analyses, eight systematic reviews, and seven described as both meta-analysis and systematic review. Studies were grouped into six health outcome categories: neurodevelopmental, motor and/or cerebral palsy, pulmonary, mental and/or behavioral health, quality of life and/or leisure, and eczema. The analysis supports a resounding recommendation to recognize preterm birth, at all gestations, as a risk factor to health and educational outcomes. Increased attention to developmental screenings is critical, specifically recognition that children who are on the lower ranges of normal may benefit from therapies or interventions that support the attainment of future skills.

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