
A 36-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 1 (previous cesarean section), with one medical abortion, and no history of systemic diseases presented an unremarkable medical history during prenatal visits. The final prenatal ultrasound at 38 weeks of gestation showed a vertex presentation, a weight of 2600 g, a normal amniotic fluid level, and the placenta located on the posterior wall of the uterus. Fetal cardiotocography conducted before delivery reported a reactive heart rate without decelerations. The Doppler wave analysis of the fetal umbilical artery was normal (the ratio of peak-systolic flow velocity to the end-diastolic flow velocity was 2.5) without the absence or reversal of end-diastolic velocity. The total score of the fetal biophysical profile by ultrasound was 8. The night before the scheduled cesarean section, she experienced heightened anxiety and was unable to sleep, noting "crazy" fetal movements throughout the night. During the cesarean section, it was discovered that the umbilical cord was wrapped around the newborn's legs, resembling ankle shackles. The fetal weight was 2740 g, and Apgar scores were 9 at the first minute and 10 at the fifth minute. The motility of the neonatal legs was normal without cyanosis or neurological adverse outcomes.

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