
Aim: To understand the significance of Umbilical cord blood as a source of stem cells. Objective: To summarise the importance of umbilical cord blood Background: Umbilical cord blood is the blood that remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and the portion of umbilical cord attached to it. Cord blood is often used nowadays on an experimental basis as a source of stem cells similar to those found in bone marrow. Umbilical cord blood is source of rare but precious haematopoetic stem cells and progenitor cells. Cord blood has an enhanced capacity to proliferate the progenitor cells and self renewal in vitro. Cord blood is easier to collect than bone marrow and can be stored frozen until it is needed. A major limitation of cord blood transfusion is that the blood obtained from a single umbilical cord does not contain as many haematopoeitic stem cells as a bone marrow donation. Banking cord blood is a way of preserving potentially lifesaving cells that is usually thrown away after birth. Newer techniques involving the stored cord blood may be developed to treat many diseases in the future. Reason: This topic was taken because the umbilical cord blood can be used to cure many genetic and blood diseases as it is a rich source of stem cells.

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