
The paper focuses on relations between experts and politicians in Latin America. It is divided into three parts. The first outlines the distinctive features of the political economy of expertise in Latin America. This provides the context to the second part, which focuses on the analysis of cognitive institutions that produce applied economic policy knowledge in the region, and the formation of policy-making epistemic communities. In order to provide a mapping of these institutions we focused on a taxonomy based on ... Le travail presente demele les relations etroites dans les pays en developpement entre la rationalite politique et la rationalite technique. Cette question est centrale en particulier en Amerique latine, region sur laquelle se centre l’analyse, ou les debordements ideologiques passes et presents tendent a eclipser la rationalite technique. A ce jour aucun exercice de cartographie exhaustive des institutions cognitives, produisant de la rationalite economique, appliquee et applicable a la conduite politique d’un pays latino-americain, n’a ete engage. Le present travail est en ce sens...

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