
The purpose of this study is to introduce a new concept which is the integration of Self-efficacy theory and uluhiyah values which are derived from Islamic values, namely uluhiyah Remote working. Self-efficacy emphasizes a person's belief in his ability to exercise control over his own functioning and over the events that affect his life. Meanwhile, Uluhiyah has the meaning of being confident in one's abilities, trying and relying only on Allah SWT, so that URW is defined as belief in one's ability to work remotely to achieve work performance with confidence in involvement, help and success solely from Allah SWT. Embodied in Uluhiyah's concept of self-efficacy include: The newly developed measures presented in this article's contribution are framed in major competency categories with 8 dimensions for scale development, It is based on the premise that, when working remotely, employees need: technology skills (E-skills), Trust building skills (Trust competency)), Remote social skills (Remote social skills (Social & Relational Competency)), Remote emotional skills (Emotional Competency)), One's belief in Allah and his hope for the grace of His help, the involvement of Allah in human endeavors, and success that comes solely from Allah SWT.

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