
The experimental realization of a new ultraviolet and blue tunable fiber Raman laser, based on a simple double-pass fiber laser arrangement with Littrow-prism-tuned emission, is demonstrated. The third harmonic of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (λp=355 nm) is used to pump a 100-μm-core-diam multimode silica UV optical fiber. As a result of a single pass of the pump laser emission through the fiber, an initial multicascade Raman Stokes spectrum that contains up to 21 Stokes orders in the spectral range 360–527 nm at 1.9 GW/cm2 input pump intensity is generated. By using the double-pass regime of the fiber Raman laser and multimode fibers with different lengths, a discretely tunable generation corresponding to the various Stokes orders over the multicascade Stokes spectrum in the ultraviolet and blue regions (360–493 nm) is obtained.

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