
Conductive patterned metal films bonded to compliant elastomeric substrates form meshes which enable flexible electronic interconnects for various applications. However, while bottom-up deposition of thin films by sputtering or growth is well-developed for rigid electronics, maintaining good electrical conductivity in sub-micron thin metal films upon large deformations or cyclic loading remains a significant challenge. Here, we propose a strategy to improve the electromechanical performance of nanometer-thin palladium films by in-situ synthesis of a conformal graphene coating using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The uniform graphene coverage improves the thin film’s damage tolerance, electro-mechanical fatigue, and fracture toughness owing to the high stiffness of graphene and the conformal CVD-grown graphene-metal interface. Graphene-coated Pd thin film interconnects exhibit stable increase in electrical resistance even when strained beyond 60% and longer fatigue life up to a strain range of 20%. The effect of graphene is more significant for thinner films of < 300 nm, particularly at high strains. The experimental observations are well described by the thin film electro-fragmentation model and the Coffin-Manson relationship. These findings demonstrate the potential of CVD-grown graphene nanocomposite materials in improving the damage tolerance and electromechanical robustness of flexible electronics. The proposed approach offers opportunities for the development of reliable and high-performance ultra-conformable flexible electronic devices.

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