
Tubular inclusions were present in 13 out of 43 pituitary adenomas of acromegalic patients and in a single chromophobe pituitary adenoma. There were none in 76 other pituitary adenomas with differing endocrinological symptomatology. The arrays were usually located in the perinuclear cistern of capillary endothelial cells. The tubule diameter in osmium fixed material measured 19-26 nm and the light core averaged 6-11 nm. A longitudinal period of about 4.5 nm could be demonstrated with PTA block staining. Fixation with glutaraldehyde and block staining with ethidium bromide as well as permanganate fixation followed by RNAse treatment showed only the core of the tubules consisting of globular subunits. Several histochemical reactions (perchloric acid extraction, methenamine-silver staining, trypsin and DNAse digestion of frozen sections) suggested that the particles consist of a core of DNA coated with protein. No virus multiplication could be detected in cell cultures or in mice innoculated with fresh tumor material. No significant antibody titers against several virus antigens could be demonstrated.

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