
The neurons in the ventrolateral medulla that project to the spinal cord are called the rostral ventral respiratory group (rVRG) because they activate spinal respiratory motor neurons. We retrogradely labeled rVRG neurons with Fluoro-Gold (FG) injections into the fourth cervical spinal cord segment to determine their distribution. The rostral half of the rVRG was located in the area ventral to the semicompact formation of the nucleus ambiguus (AmS). A cluster of the neurons moved dorsally and intermingled with the palatopharyngeal motor neurons at the caudal end of the AmS. The caudal half of the rVRG was located in the area including the loose formation of the nucleus ambiguus caudal to the AmS. We also labeled the rVRG neurons retrogradely with wheat germ agglutinin–horseradish peroxidase (WGA–HRP) to determine their ultrastructural characteristics. The neurons of the rVRG were medium to large (38.1×22.1 μm), oval or ellipsoid in shape, and had a dark cytoplasm containing numerous free ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), mitochondria, Golgi apparatuses, lipofuscin granules and a round nucleus with an invaginated nuclear membrane. The average number of axosomatic terminals in a profile was 33.2. The number of axosomatic terminals containing round vesicles and making asymmetric synaptic contacts (Gray's type I) was almost equal to those containing pleomorphic vesicles and making symmetric synaptic contacts (Gray's type II). The axodendritic terminals were large (1.55 μm), and about 60% of them were Gray's type I. The rVRG neurons have ultrastructural characteristics, which are different from the palatopharyngeal motor neurons or the prorpiobulbar neurons.

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