
The cuticle-lined foregut of Derocheilocaris remanei consists of the mouth with its associated labrum, and an undifferentiated esophagus. It is separated from the midgut by an esophageal valve. The labrum is a conspicuous structure moved by five pairs of muscles (four dorsoventral and one longitudinal). Four pairs of subcuticular glands open to its inner face forming two longitudinal, lateral rows of cuticular pores. Each secretory unit is composed of a glandular component (with one or two secretory cells), a neck cell, and a duct cell. In addition, a single gland cell opens mesially into the buccal cavity. The ventrally located mouth is a complex structure characterized by a filter-like system, a sensory organ, and epithelial cells with highly developed microvilli. The esophagus is a simple tube with a characteristic curvature following the mouth. It has a rounded cross section and a triradiate lumen. A layer of circular musculature surrounds this region. The end of the esophagus protrudes into the midgut lumen forming the so-called esophageal valve. The ultrastructural features of the foregut, with the presence of a mucus-trapping mechanism, a relatively well-developed filter system and associated structures and an esophagus lacking glands confirm the microphagic feeding habits of mystacocarids. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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