
During mid- and late gestation, the uterus of sandbar sharks possesses specialized sites for exchange of metabolites between the mother and fetus. Attachment sites are highly vascular, rugose elevations of the maternal uterine lining that interdigitate with the fetal placenta. The maternal epithelium remains intact and there is no erosion. The attachment site consists of a simple, low columnar juxtaluminal epithelium underlain by an extensive vascular network. Juxtaluminal epithelial cells possess branched microvilli, saccular invaginations of the apical surface, and coated pits. They contain numerous coated vesicles, lipid-like inclusions, a prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum, and many free ribosomes. Tight junctions join the luminal aspect of adjacent cells. Lateral cell boundaries are highly folded and interdigitated. Capillaries are closely apposed to the basal cell surfaces. The endothelium is pinocytotically active. Comparison with the uterine epithelium of non-placental sharks, mammalian epitheliochorial placentae, and selected transporting epithelia reveals that the structure of the maternal shark placenta is consistent with its putative multiple functions, viz: (1) nutrient transfer; (2) transport of macromolecules, e.g., immunoglobulins; (3) respiration; and (4) osmotic and ionic regulation.

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