
The female reproductive organs (ovary, vitellaria, and Mehlis' gland) of the digenetic trematode Halipegus eccentricus were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Oocytes entered diplotene while in the ovary and produced cortical granules and lipid bodies. Vitelline cells produced large amounts of eggshell protein but no yolk bodies. Two types of Mehlis' gland secretory cells were present, distinguishable by the morphology of their rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, and secretory bodies, and by the persistence of recognizable secretory material within the ootype lumen after exocytosis. In an attempt to standardize the nomenclature regarding the cell types of the Mehlis' gland, a classification that takes into account these four criteria is proposed. Two basic types of Golgi body organization were noted for the cells of the female reproductive system: a stack of flattened cisternae (Mehlis' gland alpha cells) and spherical Golgi bodies with vesicular cisternae (oocytes, vitelline cells, and Mehlis' gland beta cells).

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