
The ultrastructure of the early stages of carposporophyte development in the marine red algaChondria tenuissima has been studied. The diploid carposporophyte grows on the gametophyte. Apical gonimoblast cells develop into diploid carpospores. The basal gonimoblast cells cease to divide and undergo considerable cytoplasmic changes before they become incorporated into the expanding fusion cell. Nucleus and plastids degenerate gradually, while mitochondria remain intact. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum becomes prominent, it seems to produce small vesicles with electron dense contents. Simultaneously, numerous mucilage sacs are formed, presumably from dilating ER cisternae. The contents of the mucilage sacs are secreted by exocytosis. The pit connections between gonimoblast cells flare out. They remain as isolated bodies without connection to a wall after fusion. Secondary pit connections occur between vegetative gametophyte cells and sterile carposporophyte cells. There are three different morphological types of pit connections.

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