
(Ultrastructure of secretory and senescence phase in colleters of Bathysa gymnocarpa and B. stipulata (Rubiaceae)). Colleters are secretory structures formed by a parenchymatic axis with vascular bundles, bound by a layer of secretory palisade-like epidermis. Some studies regarding the structure of colleters have focused on secretory cells structure, but not distinguished the secretory and senescent phases. Generally, in mucilage-secreting cells such as colleters, the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are involved in secretion production and transport. In these study, colleters structure of Bathysa gymnocarpa K. Schum. and B. stipulata (Vell.) C. Presl. (Rubiaceae) were determined in two phases: a secretory phase and a senescence one. Samples were collected and processed by usual light and electron microscopy techniques. Studied colleters are constituted by an epidermal palisade layer and a central axis formed by parenchymatic cells with rare vascular traces. During the secretory phase, epidermal cells presented a dense cytoplasm, small vacuoles, enhanced rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and a Golgi apparatus close to large vesicles. During the senescence phase epidermal cells presented a disorganized membrane system. No intact organelles or vesicles were observed. The outer cell wall exhibited similar layers to that observed during the secretory phase. The senescent phase is easily defined by the morphology of the colleters, but not well defined at subcellular level. Our research suggests that programmed cell death starts on secretory phase. However, more evidences are needed to evaluate the phenomena.

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