
Penetration of sunflower, Heliantluis animus, root epidermal cells by zoospores of Plasmopara halstedii is preceded by formation of a papilla on the inner surface of the host cell wall that invaginates the host plasma membrane. Localized degradation and penetration of the host cell wall by the pathogen follow. The invading fungus forms an allantoid primary infection vesicle in the penetrated epidermal cell. The host plasma membrane invaginates around the infection vesicle but its continuity is difficult to follow. Upon exit from the epidermal cell the fungus may grow intercellularly, producing terminal haustorial branches which extend into adjacent host cells. The fungus may grow through one or two cortical cell is after growing from the epidermal cell before it becomes intercellular. Host plasma membrane is not penetrated by haustoria. Intercellular hyphae grow toward the apex of the plant and ramify the seedling tissue. Resistance in an immune cultivar is hypersensitive and is triggered upon contact of the host cell with the encysting zoospore before the host cell wall is penetrated. Degeneration of zoospore cytoplasm accompanies the hypersensitive reaction of the host. Zoospores were often parasitized by bacteria and did not germinate unless penicillin and streptomycin were added to the inoculum suspension.

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