
Fullmer's oxytalan fibers appear to be special connective tissue fibers belonging to elastic system fibers. We have ultrastructurally examined carbohydrates in oxytalan fibers in monkey periodontal ligaments after glutaraldehyde fixation and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) decalcification using: Thiéry's periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) method for thin-section staining of vicinal glycol-containing complex carbohydrates, and the concanavalin A-ferritin (Con A-ferritin) and Con A-horseradish peroxidase (Con-A-HRP) en bloc staining methods specific for alpha-D-mannosyl and alpha-D-glucosyl groups. PA-TCH-SP stained collagen fibrils weakly to moderately and stained oxytalan fibers moderately. Con A-ferritin and Con A-HRP stained collagen fibrils weakly or moderately and stained oxytalan fibers intensely within the superficial region of specimen blocks. The penetration of staining reagents was improved by prior saponin treatment and/or chondroitinase ABC digestion. Thus, these studies demonstrate that PA-TCH-SP and Con A staining of carbohydrates is very useful in identifying oxytalan fibers at the ultrastructural level and that more carbohydrate components are present in oxytalan fibers than in collagen fibrils.

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