
The egg capsule of Isohypsibius granulifer granulifer Thulin 1928 (Eutardigrada: Hypsibiidae) is composed of two shells: the thin vitelline envelope and the multilayered chorion. The process of the formation of the egg shell begins in middle vitellogenesis. The I. g. granulifer vitelline envelope is of the primary type (secreted by the oocyte), but the chorion should be regarded as a mixed type: primary (secreted by the oocyte), and secondary (produced by the cells of gonad wall). During early choriogenesis, the parts of the chorion are produced and then connected into a permanent layer. The completely developed chorion consists of three layers: (1) the inner, medium electron dense layer; (2) the middle labyrinthine layer; (3) the outer, medium electron dense layer. After the formation of the chorion, a vitelline envelope is secreted by the oocyte.

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