
Sections of atrial cardiocytes from young rats were subjected to radioautography after a single intravenous injection of L-leucine-4,5 3H to identify the sites of synthesis and to follow the migration of newly-formed proteins. As early as 2 min after injection of L-leucine 3H, the label was highest in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), suggesting that cisternal ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. By 5 min, most of the label had migrated from the RER to the Golgi complex. Some label had migrated from the RER to the Golgi complex. Some label was already present over specific granules by 2 min but the peak was reached at 1 h. By 4 h, the label over the specific granules had diminished, possibly indicating a release of newly-synthetized secretory material outside the cell. The label over myofilaments and Z-bands was relatively high at most time intervals, suggesting an early and important incorporation of leucine into the contractile and structural proteins of these organelles. The label over the cytosol was initially high and increased even further at 5 and 20 min but decreased to a very low level at 4 h. In contrast, the label over the cell surface rose continuously and peaked at 4 h. The pattern of increment of the label over the cell surface suggests that the newly-formed proteins of these sites are also synthetized in the RER, pass through the Golgi complex and are transported in the cytosol before reaching their destination.

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