
Using the electron-microscopic immunogold method, vasotocin, isotocin, somatostatin (SRIF), gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (LHRH) and corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF)-like immunoreactivities were localized in separate neurosecretory fibres in the pituitary of a teleost fish Poecilia latipinna. Antigenicities were preserved in sections of conventionally fixed tissue, except in the case of LHRH and CRF-like substances which were sensitive to osmium postfixation. Under the same fixation conditions, ultrastructural differences were observed between the 5 fibre types, and morphometric analysis of their granule sizes revealed significant differences in mean diameter except between vasotocin and isotocin fibres. Terminal-like regions of each type were identified on blood vessels, glial cells or other fibres in the neurohypophysis, on the basement lamina of the adenohypophysis, or directly on adenohypophysial endocrine cells. The fibres containing the two neurohypophysial hormones, originating from separate preoptic perikarya, were intermingled with, and may form endings near all the adenohypophysial cell types except those secreting prolactin. Although both types had similar mean granule diameters, the granules in the vasotocin fibres (mean 135 nm) were markedly less electron dense than those in the isotocin fibres (mean 140 nm). SRIF-immunoreactive fibres (mean 101 nm) appeared to form synapse-like endings on the somatotrophs, and a few thyrotrophs in the proximal pars distalis, and near the pars intermedia cells. An LHRH-positive type (mean 103 nm) contacted only the gonadotrophs of the proximal pars distalis. The rarer CRF-like fibres (mean 116 nm) appeared to project mainly towards the pars intermedia, but a few appeared to terminate rostrally near the adrenocorticotrophic cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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