
Pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids hold great promise as a potential auxiliary transplant tissue for individuals with end-stage renal disease and as a platform for studying kidney diseases and drug discovery. To establish accurate models, it is crucial to thoroughly characterize the morphological features and maturation stages of the cellular components within these organoids. Nephrons, the functional units of the kidney, possess distinct morphological structures that directly correlate with their specific functions. High spatial resolution imaging emerges as a powerful technique for capturing ultrastructural details that may go unnoticed with other methods such as immunofluorescent imaging and scRNA sequencing. In our study, we have applied software capable of seamlessly stitching virtual slides generated from electron microscopy, resulting in high-definition overviews of tissue slides. With this technology, we can comprehensively characterize the development and maturation of kidney organoids when transplanted under the renal capsule of mice. These organoids exhibit advanced ultrastructural developments upon transplantation, including the formation of the filtration barrier in the renal corpuscle, the presence of microvilli in the proximal tubule, and various types of cell sub-segmentation in the connecting tubule similarly to those seen in the adult kidney. Such ultrastructural characterization provides invaluable insights into the structural development and functional morphology of nephron segments within kidney organoids and how to advance them by interventions such as a transplantation. Research Highlights High-resolution imaging is crucial to determine morphological maturation of hiPSC-derived kidney organoids. Upon transplantation, refined ultrastructural development of nephron segments was observed, such as the development of the glomerular filtration barrier.

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