
Several types of terminals were found in the three superficial collicular layers of Galago. At least two axon terminals with round vesicles (R1 and R2) could be distinguished on the basis of vesicle packing and electron density of the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial matrices. R1 axon terminals were characterized by aggregations of vesicles in an electron lucent cytoplasm and mitochondria with a relatively dark matrix, while in R2 axon terminals the vesicles were more evenly distributed in an electron dense cytoplasm and the mitochondrial matrix was pale. R2 endings occurred in clusters in the stratum griseum superficiale; they were absent in the stratum zonale. R1 endings were found in all three superficial collicular layers. Both types of R terminals made asymmetrical contacts with small dendrites, dendritic spines and F profiles. Profiles containing flattened vesicles and establishing symmetrical contacts were numerous, and many could be identified as dendrites by accepting as criteria for dendrites evenly spaced microtubules, clusters of ribosomes and the fact that these F profiles were postsynaptic to other terminals. F terminals were presynaptic to other F profiles, dendrites and somata; they were postsynaptic to R terminals and took part in serial synapses. Dendrodendritic contacts were frequent, somatodendritic contacts rare. After eye enucleation most R2 axon terminals underwent the electron dense degenerative reaction. The degeneration process was a lengthy one; many degenerating boutons were found 30 days after axotomy and some persisted up to 180 days postoperatively. There was strong indication that the superior colliculus received more crossed than uncrossed retinofugal fibers. The crossed and uncrossed retinocollicular axons terminated in two different substrata of the stratum griseum superficiale.

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