
This report describes the ultrastructural changes in the optic nerves of (1) hamsters infected with the Echigo-1 strain of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), (2) hamsters infected with the 263K or 22C-H strain of scrapie, and (3) mice infected with the Fujisaki strain of Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease (GSS). Vacuolation of myelinated fibres was present in the myelin sheaths, with splitting of myelin lamellae. These vacuoles contained typical secondary vacuoles and curled membrane fragments. Myelinated fibre vacuolation was also accompanied by an exuberant cellular reaction consisting of macrophages containing numerous mitochondria, abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, and secondary lysosomes filled with digested myelin debris and other electron-dense material. Within macrophages, myelin fragments undergoing active digestion, lyre-like bodies and paracrystalline inclusions were frequently noted. Astrocytes and their processes were prominent; glial filaments and many mitochondria were readily detected. Proliferation of inner mesaxons was observed. Cross-sectional profiles of innumerable myelinated fibres contained membranous organelles continuous with the inner lamellae of the oligodendroglial cells. The proliferations of inner mesaxons formed whorls and loops, and intrusion of the membranous tongue of the inner mesaxon into the axoplasm was occasionally observed; dystrophic neurites were relatively numerous. In mice infected with the Fujisaki strain of GSS, fibres had undergone demyelination with stripping of the myelin lamellae, while others showed vesicular myelin degeneration.

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