
Cholelithiasis is defined as the presence of stones within the lumen of the gall bladder or in the extrahepatic biliary tree. The goal of this study was to identify the ultrastructural ultrations of gall bladder epithelium in cholelithiesis. Gallbladder specimens were collected from patients who underwent cholectstectomy. Minute specimens were also fixed and processed to evaluate the fine structures of the gall bladder epithelium. The histological changes in semithin sections of methylene blue stain showed disruption of gall bladder epithelium and discontinuity of this epithelium with appearance of Rokitansky- Aschoff sinuses, there is hyperplasia of epithelial cells, all these changes associated with mucous gland metaplasia in the lamina properia of cholecystitic gall bladder. At the ultrastructural level, abraded and altered microvilli accompanied by mitochondrial damages, dilitation of intercellular spaces was revealed by thinsection electron microscopy associated with intracellular vacuoles and irregularity and herniation of cell outlines. The epithelial cells contain mucous droplet, some of these droplets shedded to the exterior of the cells. Gallstones are accompanied by major changes in the gallbladder epithelium, as shown by both light and electron microscopy.

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