
The study aimed to describe the ultrastructure of two human mature oocyte intracytoplasmic dysmorphisms, the bull-eye inclusion and the granular vacuole, with evaluation of clinical outcomes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment. We retrospectively evaluated 4099 consecutive ICSI cycles during the period 2003-2013. Three groups were compared: controls, those with a bulls-eye inclusion, and those with granular vacuoles. Oocyte dysmorphisms were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy and in situ fluorescence hybridization (FISH). Detailed data on demographic and stimulation characteristics, as well as on embryological, clinical, and newborn outcomes, are fully presented. The bull-eye inclusion is a prominent smooth round structure containing trapped vesicles, being surrounded by lipid droplets. The presence of this dysmorphism in the oocyte cohort had no clinical impact except when transferred embryos were exclusively derived from dysmorphism oocytes. The granular vacuole is delimited by a discontinuous double membrane and contains lipid droplets and vesicles. As FISH analysis revealed the presence of chromosomes, they probably represent pyknotic nuclei. The presence of this dysmorphism in the oocyte cohort had no clinical impact except when at least one transferred embryo was derived from dimorphic oocytes. Poor clinical outcomes were observed with transfer of embryos derived from dysmorphism oocytes, although without causing gestation or newborn problems. The bull-eye inclusion and granular vacuoles may thus be new prognostic factors for clinical outcomes.

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