
Infestation of aphid <i>Acyrthosiphon pelargonii</i> (Kalt.) caused increased deposition of phenolic compounds in the leaves of <i>Pelargonium sp</i>. Most deposits were located in the vacuole and in the area between the plasma membrane and cell wall, as well as some in the intercellular spaces. In cytoplasm damages were observed involving tonoplast and numerous vesicle deposits in the vicinity of the plasma membrane. Endoplasmic reticulum and myelin structures increased in number, as well as mitochondria whose cristae were longer and larger. Thus, we observed both the increase of organelle activity in such cells and the segregation of damaged areas in the form of membrane degradation.


  • Most deposits were located in the vacuole and in the area between the plasma membrane and cell wall, as well as some in the intercellular spaces

  • Endoplasmic reticulum and myelin structures increased in number, as well as mitochondria whose cristae were longer and larger

  • Wiêc, w roœlinach zasiedlonych przez mszyce obserwowano zarówno wzrost aktywnoœci organelli komórkowych oraz oddzielanie siê uszkodzonych przestrzeni w postaci degradacji membrany plazmatycznej

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Summary Infestation of aphid Acyrthosiphon pelargonii (Kalt.) caused increased deposition of phenolic compounds in the leaves of Pelargonium sp. Penetracja sztyletów mszyc poprzez tkanki jest uzale¿niona od jakoœci i iloœci enzymów trawiennych, które dostaj1 siê do roœliny wraz z jej œlin1. 10 roœlin zasiedlono mszyc1 pelargoniow1 (Acyrthosiphon pelargonii (Kalt.), a pozosta3e nie zasiedlone przez mszyce stanowi3y materia3 kontrolny. Po dwóch tygodniach ¿erowania i rozwoju kolonii mszyc, pobrano do badañ mikroskopowych fragmenty liœci najsilniej pora¿onych przez mszyce (drugi i trzeci liœæ od wierzcho3ka pêdu) i odpowiednie z roœlin kontrolnych.

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