
Ultrastructural examinations and biochemical characterizations were carried out on "Miyazaki" strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria, the biochemistry of which has been extensively studied by Japanese scientists, the identification of which, however, has not yet been done satisfactorily. Miyazaki strains, MK, MF, and MY, were all strictly anaerobic, had a single polar flagellum, and contained desulfoviridin and cytochrome c3. Cells of strain MK were typical comma-shaped, short, curved rods (0.5× 1.5-2μm), while cells of strains MF and MY were longer (2-5μm) and were either curved, sigmoid, or spiral. Occasionally the "Y-shape" or blebbing of the cells was observed among cells of MF and MY. The shorter blebs usually had a single flagellum.Carbon sources, buoyant density of DNA, and electrophoretic mobilities of desulfoviridin, ATP sulfurylase, and adenosine phosphosulfate reductase were also determined. Although cells of strains MF and MY were clearly distinguished from other cells of Desulfovibrio spp. in morphology, all three strains were identified as Desulfovibrio vulgaris.

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