
Focused ultrasound (FUS) can modulate neuronal activity by depolarization or hyperpolarization. Although FUS-evoked depolarization has been studied extensively, the mechanisms underlying FUS-evoked hyperpolarization (FUSH) have received little attention. In the study described here, we developed a procedure using FUS to selectively hyperpolarize motor axons in crayfish. As a previous study had reported that these axons express mechano- and thermosensitive two-pore domain potassium (K2P) channels, we tested the hypothesis that K2P channels underlie FUSH. Intracellular recordings from a motor axon and a muscle fiber were obtained simultaneously from the crayfish opener neuromuscular preparation. FUSH was examined while K2P channel activities were modulated by varying temperature or by K2P channel blockers. FUSH in the axons did not exhibit a coherent temperature dependence, consistent with predicted K2P channel behavior, although changes in the resting membrane potential of the same axons indicated well-behaved K2P channel temperature dependence. The same conclusion was supported by pharmacological data; namely, FUSH was not suppressed by K2P channel blockers. Comparison between the FUS-evoked responses recorded in motor axons and muscle fibers revealed that the latter exhibited very little FUSH, indicating that the FUSH was specific to the axons. It is not likely that K2P channels are the underlying mechanism for FUSH in motor axons. Alternative mechanisms such as sonophore and axon-specific potassium channels were considered. Although the sonophore hypothesis could account for electrophysiological features of axonal recordings, it is not consistent with the lack of FUSH in muscle fibers. An axon-specific and mechanosensitive potassium channel is also a possible explanation.

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