
The UK screening programme began in 2009, and has now been expanded around the UK. Long-term follow-up of the original cohorts continues to demonstrate significant benefits for abdominal aortic aneurysm(AAA)-related and all-cause mortality , and results from the first 5 years of the formal screening programme have demonstrated similar success. Ultrasound scanning is an effective and safe screening toolforthe detection of AAA, although a variety of measurement protocols are employed internationally. Key challenges for the futureof the programme relate to declining incidence of screen detected aneurysms. Recent publications have demonstrated a UK incidence of only 1.34%, compared to 4.9-7.2% of men invited for screeningin the original trials. Work into increasing engagement amongst the target group, and expanding screening to siblings and women is underwayto address this issue. This review describes the evidence behind the screening programme, its justification in addressing AAA as a significant health problem and discusses some of the potential developments in the future.

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