
In the modern-day diagnostics, ultrasound play an important role in different applications such as vascular, gynecological, cardiac, and obstetrical for diagnosis the various diseases. The main benefit of the ultrasound is that it is non-invasive method and inexpensive. However, in the real-scenario, ultrasound images contain speckle noise which negatively impact the image quality in terms of edges, texture information, and boundaries. In order to eliminate noise, various filters are deployed by researchers in the literature. The limitations of their method are that a fixed level of noise is removed using conventional filters in which parameter values of the filters are fixed. However, in the real-time situation, the noise is random and adaptive filters are required which eliminate any level of noise. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes an adaptive filtering model for eliminate speckle noise based on yellow saddle goatfish optimization (YSGO) algorithm. The YSGO algorithm is based on the hunting behaviour of the fishes. In the proposed model, bilateral filter and speckle-reducing anisotropic diffusion filtering methods and enhancement power law method are taken under consideration. Further, the parameter values of the filtering method and enhancement methods are determined using the nature-inspired YSGO algorithm. The YSGO algorithm minimize the noise and enhances the image brightness and edge information based on the objective function. In our model, mean square error (MSE) and entropy is taken as the objective function. Further, the proposed model is applied on the standard ultrasound images. The visual analysis of the images is done based on the subjective analysis whereas various performance metrics are measured for measure the image quality in the objective analysis. The results reveals that the proposed model outperforms over the existing models in terms of PSNR.

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