
Int r oduction . Ovaria n cance r (OC) in Russia is ranked the seventh within the structure of general cancer diseases and the third within the gynecological tumors, due to such reasons the problem of early diagnostics is still actual. New technologies, such as color Doppler ultrasonography, 3 D power Doppler ultrasonography contribute to increasing of opportunities of ultrasound analysis to detect any malignancy signs. Material s and methods. Th e paper sets out the results of comprehensive ultrasound study of 68 patients with morphologically verified OC at stages IА–В, IIА–В. The control group was made of 100 female patients with morphologically verified ovarian tumors (serosal cystadenomas, thecomas, fibromas). A complex of the following ultrasound methods was used during the study: 2D and 3D ultrasonography in B mode, in color Doppler and power mapping mode, 3D angiography, spectrum Doppler imaging. Results . Maximu m size of tumor varied within a range between 37 and 300 mm (108 ± 61.2 mm). It worth noting that no direct dependence between the size of neoplasm and process phase was established. When assessing the echostructure, all ovarian tumors were divided into 3 structure types: cystic type (57.8 % of cases), cystic and solid type (33.3 % of cases), solid type (8.9 % of cases). The conducted analysis of types of small pelvis neoplasm echostructures enabled to evolve the sonographic types of ovarian tumors, more or less associated with the malignant transformation. The most relevanl Doppler ultrasonography exponents characteristic for benignant and malignant processes: resistance index in benignant tumors was 0.56, at OC – 0.32 (р < 0.001); average arterial blood velocity in benignant tumors – 7.8 cm/s, at OC – 20.1 cm/s (р < 0.001); average maximum venous flow velocity in benignant tumors – 3.2 cm/s, at OC – 9.3 cm/s (р < 0.001). Conclusion . Therefor e moder n ultrasonography can detect and differentiate rather efficiently the localized variants of OC, provided that the main part of diagnosis is formed in mode of color and power Doppler mapping, which shall be taken into consideration during the primary diagnostics of OC.


  • Ovarian cancer (OC) in Russia is ranked the seventh within the structure of general cancer diseases and the third within the gynecological tumors, due to such reasons the problem of early diagnostics is still actual. New technologies, such as color Doppler ultrasonography, 3D power Doppler ultrasonography contribute to increasing of opportunities of ultrasound analysis to detect any malignancy signs

  • A complex of the following ultrasound methods was used during the study: 2D and 3D ultrasonography in B mode, in color Doppler and power mapping mode, 3D angiography, spectrum Doppler imaging

  • Modern ultrasonography can detect and differentiate rather efficiently the localized variants of OC, provided that the main part of diagnosis is formed in mode of color and power Doppler mapping, which shall be taken into consideration during the primary diagnostics of OC

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Ультразвуковые критерии ранней диагностики рака яичников

Рак яичников (РЯ) в России занимает седьмое место в структуре общей онкологической заболеваемости и третье – среди гинекологических опухолей, в связи с этим проблема ранней диагностики остается весьма актуальной. При проведении исследования был применен комплекс следующих ультразвуковых методик: обследование в двух- и трехмерном В-режиме, в режиме цветового доплеровского и энергетического картирования, трехмерной ангиографии, спектральной доплерографии. При оценке эхоструктуры все опухоли яичников были разделены на 3 типа строения: кистозный (57,8 % наблюдений), кистозно-солидный (33,3 % наблюдений), солидный (8,9 % наблюдений). При этом основная часть диагноза формируется в режиме цветового и энергетического доплеровского картирования, что необходимо учитывать в рамках первичной диагностики РЯ. Ключевые слова: рак яичников, ранняя диагностика, ультразвуковое исследование, доброкачественные опухоли яичников, эхоструктура опухолей яичников, трехмерная ультразвуковая ангиография, доплерография, внутриопухолевый кровоток, цветовое доплеровское и энергетическое картирование

Капсула Перегородки Солидный компонент Периферическая зона Центральная зона
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