
The study was conducted on 13 male bovine animals suffering from obstructive urolithiasis to evaluate the diagnostic approach, surgical outcome and mineral composition of uroliths. The animals were divided in two groups, Group I (n=8) of young animals and Group II (n=5) of adult animals. B-mode ultrasonography was done for locating the uroliths in penile urethra. All the animals were subjected to urethrotomy followed by ultrasonography at the suspected site of urolith lodgement. Ammonium chloride as urinary acidifier was given @ 50 mg/kg body weight orally for 60 days was found beneficial for preventing recurrence of uroliths. It was observed that urethra heals normally in three weeks if left unsutured and the majority of uroliths were present at tip of penis in Group I and in sigmoid flexure in Group II animals. Staphylococcus species were the most prevalent bacteria causing bovine urinary tract infections associated with urolithiasis in both groups. It was concluded that ultrasonography was efficient to localize uroliths in urethra in both groups of animals. On Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy estimation, calcium carbonate, carbonate apatite in Group I whereas calcium carbonate in majority of Group II animals, were the most common types of minerals causing formation of uroliths.

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