
Objective of this article is to review use of ultrasonographic examination in the uterus of ewes during the post-partum period. The technique has been employed for elucidating the process of uterine involution in that species, as well as in the diagnosis of various clinical entities. In general, there is a progressive, significant reduction in the size of the uterus, especially during the first week after lambing, in the size of the uterine lumen and the size of the caruncles of the endometrium. In cases of post-partum metritis, principal uterine characteristics that can be assessed by means of ultrasonographic examination for diagnosis and evaluation of the disorder are uterine distention, asymmetry of the organ, distention of uterine lumen, presence, quantity and texture of uterine content, thickness of uterine wall, localisation of inflammatory foci on the uterine wall, texture of uterine wall, alterations in uterine wall vascularisation and confirmation of uterine involution completion. The technique may also be applied for evaluation of the effect of treatment in cases of the disease.

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