
This study was designed to describe the ultrasonographic findings in 33 dromedary camels with different abdominal disorders. These were categorised as pelvic abscesses (n=5), peritonitis (n=4), chronic enteritis (n=10) and intestinal obstruction (n=14). In camels with pelvic abscesses, transabdominal pelvic ultrasonography showed abdominal echogenic mass and aspirated contents were pus. A severely distended intact urinary bladder was imaged which contained echogenic sediments. In camels with peritonitis, transabdominal ultrasonography revealed echogenic fibrin threads floating in a hyperechoic peritoneal effusion. The intestines were also imaged floating in the fluid. Aspiration of a peritoneal fluid sample yielded a reddish coloured fluid. In camels with paratuberculosis, intestinal oedema, peritoneal effusion and enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes were recorded. In camels with intestinal obstruction, transabdominal ultrasonographic examination showed distended intestinal loops with weak intestinal motility. Transrectal ultrasonography revealed a highly distended rumen. In severe cases, transabdominal ultrasonography revealed intestinal contents within the intestinal loops indicating perforation of the intestines. In conclusion, ultrasonography can be used, in the field and in Veterinary Teaching Hospitals, as a non-invasive diagnostic approach in camels with abdominal disorders, and therefore help in early diagnosis and prognosis of such cases.

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