
This paper describes the design and testing of a computer-controlled sensor for the real-time measurement of the density of a liquid or slurry. It is to be deployed at the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Richland, WA, to monitor slurry properties during radioactive waste transfers. To demonstrate the sensor performance, tests were carried out using non-radioactive waste simulants and the results will be presented. The sensor is mounted flush with the pipeline wall in a nominal 5-cm (2-in.) pipe spool piece. The design pressure is 2.8 MPa (400 psi). The probe wedge in contact with the slurry was selected to operate up to pH 14, and the probe components were radiation tested at exposures of 1×10 6 R. The sensor is applicable for process control of all types of liquids or slurries in pipelines or in vessels.

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