
Introduction: Real-time visual exploration of fetal activity began in the 1960's, when ultrasound techniques first appeared. Its use allowed great progress in the studies of the dynamics motor and neurological development, both in normal and pathological conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to carry out regular ultrasound exams in healthy fetuses, with propose in evaluating the fetus motor development, registered in video cassette recordings; verify the presence or absence of fetal motor and behavioral individuality; describe and discuss the parents behavior during the exams. Method: Six fetuses from desired spontaneous low-risk pregnancies were selected for the study. These fetuses were observed regularly each four weeks, for one hour, from the 12 t h week of pregnancy up to birth. Based in the characterization established by Prechtl (1989), the following features were registered: presence or absence of different patterns of movement, in individual fetal, and parents, behavior during the exams. The study comprised only fetuses which originated normal neuropsychomotor and behavioral development children, having these children been followed up until the age of 8 years-old. Results: All pregnancies came to term without major problems. The pre-natal follow up accomplished, as well as the clinical and ultrasonographic development of the fetuses, were regarded as normal. The analysis in movement groups by period has shown that some movement patterns were more often observed in the beginning of pregnancy, such as shocks, generalized movements and trunk movements. Certain types of movement remained at a stable frequency, while others had their frequency increased. Somersault and creep movements were only observed between the 16 t h and 28 t h weeks. Transversal analysis of the different kinds of movement showed that movements occurred with greater frequency by the 20 t h week of pregnancy, followed by progressive decrease until birth. Complex movements were seldom observed in the beginning of pregnancy, increasing from the 20 t h week on (breathing, suckling and swallowing). These common characteristics suggest a general pattern of motor development with individual variations. Conclusion: (A) There is a determined motor pattern with occurrence and subsequent disappearance of the several types of movements according to the pregnancy moment; (B) the fetal motor behavior presents variations, suggesting individuality; and (C) Father behavior has shown different from mother behavior (check with Theo). Men were usually silent and showed greater concern with the fetus' and wife's well-being, while women recognized and identified characteristics of their future child. All the children presented normal motor and neurological development, being assessed until eight years of age.

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