
Experimental confirmation of various grain scattering theories exist but there are still outstanding questions concerning the characterization of microstructure using ultrasound. In this study, high purity niobium serves as a model material devoid of extrinsic scattering centers (e.g., voids, precipitates, second phase particles etc.) A range of microstructures were obtained by annealing in ultrahigh vacuum at different temperatures (600–800°C) after routine cold-rolling and recrystallization heat treatment. Ultrasonic attenuation is measured as a function of a frequency for each sample. For the samples with an intermediate grain size (typically ∼50 μm), attenuation follows a power law dependence on frequency with an exponent of n∼1.6, which is close to the prediction, n=2, of classical Stochastic scattering theory. However, quantitative comparison shows that the observed attenuation is higher than predicted by the classical theory. The Stanke-Kino unified grain scattering theory may provide an explanation for the lower frequency dependence than traditional theories predict, though it still under predicts the magnitude of the attenuation. In any event, the resulting empirical relations provide a useful approach for practical grain size measurement with an acceptable level of uncertainty. The effect of a layered microstructure typical of some sheets/plates is discussed.

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