
The ultrasonic attenuation in MnTe for longitudinal waves with propagation vector in the hexagonal plane was measured as a function of temperature for frequencies up to 530 MHz. The attenuation below the N\'eel temperature comprises both background losses and an extraordinarily intense (attenuation up to 300 dB/cm) temperature-dependent resonance absorption caused by ${\mathrm{Mn}}^{55}$ nuclear acoustic resonance. Extrapolation to zero temperature yields a resonance frequency ${f}_{\mathrm{NAR}}=466.5$ MHz and a hyperfine field ${H}_{n}=442$ kOe. Theoretical expressions for the sound absorption due to electronic and nuclear spins were derived. Comparison with the measured magnetic-field dependence of background and nuclear-acoustic-resonance (NAR) absorption suggests that spins located in domains rather than inside domain walls are mainly responsible for the observed effects. The spin-flop fields, observed in the NAR experiments, are much higher than the values calculated from anisotropy constants and susceptibilities. Good agreement between experiments and theory is obtained for $H\ensuremath{\gg}{H}_{\mathrm{S}\mathrm{}\mathrm{F}}$.

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