
The nature of ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) sources is presently unknown. A possible explanation is that they are accreting intermediate-mass black holes (IBHs) that are fed by Roche lobe overflow from a tidally captured stellar companion. We show that a star can circularize around an IBH without being destroyed by tidal heating (in contrast to the case of massive black holes in galactic centers, where survival is unlikely). 6 M 1 10 M BH , We find that the capture and circularization rate is ∼ yr 1 , almost independently of the cluster’s relaxation 8 5 # 10 time. We follow the luminosity evolution of the binary system during the main-sequence Roche lobe overflow phase and show it can maintain ULX source–like luminosities for greater than 10 7 yr. In particular, we show that the ULX source in the young cluster MGG-11 in starburst galaxy M82, which possibly harbors an IBH, is well explained by this mechanism, and we predict that 10% of similar clusters with IBHs have a tidally captured circularized star. The cluster can evaporate on a timescale shorter than the lifetime of the binary. This raises the possibility of a ULX source that outlives its host cluster, or even lights up only after the cluster has evaporated, in agreement with observations of hostless ULX sources. Subject headings: black hole physics — galaxies: star clusters — stellar dynamics — X-rays: binaries

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