
This paper presents an update of what we have learned in the last year about the ULX phenomenon. New results are presented on radio emission from Holmberg II and a review is given on the recent X-ray data on timing and spectra. The new X-ray spectroscopic and optical imaging survey of nearby ULX with XMM allows us, for the first time, to place the average properties of these objects on a statistical basis. Direct examination of the sites of ULXs in nearby galaxies shows that ∼1/3 of them are not in or near star forming regions, indicating that a substantial fraction of ULX are not directly associated with young star formation. There are two ULX which have been identified with B stars as the optical counterparts on the basis of optical spectroscopy. Radio imaging of the Holmberg II ULX shows that it lies in a luminous extended radio source and that the radio emission is not beamed. A statistical study of ULX spectra in nearby galaxies shows that the ratio of ‘high state’ to ‘low state’ ULXs is ∼1:1 and that the high state objects, in general, are best fit with low temperature black bodies with a steep power law index. The objects with high state spectra are systematically more luminous than the objects with low state spectra consistent with the hypothesis that both are drawn from a population which shows state changes similar to those of black holes in the Milky Way. If this is true then the masses implied for the objects with the low state spectra are greater than 50 M ⊙.

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