
We report on the ultrafast carrier dynamics and generation of coherent acoustic phonons in YbS, a semiconducting rare-earth monochalcogenide, using two-color pump–probe reflectivity. Compared to the carrier relaxation processes and lifetimes of conventional semiconductors, recombination of photoexcited electrons with holes in localized f orbitals is found to take place rapidly with a density-independent time constant of <500 fs in YbS. Such carrier annihilation signifies the unique and ultrafast nature of valence restoration of ytterbium ions after femtosecond photoexcitation switching. Following transfer of the absorbed energy to the lattice, coherent acoustic phonons emerge on the picosecond timescale as a result of the thermal strain in the photoexcited region. By analyzing the electronic and structural dynamics, we obtain the physical properties of YbS including its two-photon absorption and thermooptic coefficients, the period and decay time of the coherent oscillation, and the sound velocity.

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