
We developed theoretically and experimentally the principles of a new spectroscopical method based on four-wave mixing for quantitative description of solvation dynamics of excited large molecules in liquid solutions. We have found that the solvation dynamics of LDS 750 in methanol, ethanol and propanol solutions on a time scale of 1 ps is almost identical. The solvation dynamics in these solvents is biphasic where the long component decays exponentially with a 400 fs decay time. The fast solvation process is followed by the longtitudinal solvent relaxation with relaxation times of 5, 10 and 20 fs for methanol ethanol and propanol respectively.KeywordsPump PulseProbe PulseRegenerative AmplifierSolvation CoordinateEquilibrium SpectrumThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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